Friday, November 6, 2009

Mid Term Critique Video Response

After looking at my video recording, I was very surprised. I have a terrible fear of public speaking--no matter what size, environment, audience, I have always had problems. This was not very evident in the video. I have had some experience with video in the classroom from my Art Education classes. One of my biggest problems last time was that I played with my hair too much. I avoided this by putting my hair up, and this prevented me from touching my hair.

When I first moved to the classroom, I was clutching my notebook to my chest, which only a few seconds in, I put it down behind me. My voice did not seem to waver and appears to be friendly and inviting. This is all well and good, but I do have some critiques of my presentation.

Pitch and tonality DOES matter.

When I begin to explain my process, my voice raises:

"I started by scanning leaves in..." '
(DUH, obviously, the change in tone seems as if I question it. CONFIDENCE!)

After the whole explanation: "I think this is what I am trying to address?"
(TRYING?!!! Well, yeah, figure it out already, you better know what you are trying to address!)
I think this happened because I lack confidence in my topic, I had not done enough research for me clearly speak about my work. More research must be done!

When asked about the presentation:
My total appearance changed, I clasp my hands and begin to shift.
I was not happy about the presentation, two of the frames showed the work differently by not having clear backings. That is why I was not confident in explaining the presentation of work.

When the Q and A started:
-I was not very good at answering people's questions, which calls for more preparation.
-I admitted to Ashleigh when she noted that it seemed like I just clumped two things I like
together. I was also rude to Ashleigh when she tried to explain how to use the chlorophyll in leaves in printmaking. I interrupted her, not okay! (I'm sorry!)

I think overall, my presentation went better that I expected, I have a lot of work to do more so in the research department than the actual physical work. I also learned that I have to be absolutely confident in what I am putting up on the wall. If I am not ecstatic about, who will be?

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