Sunday, September 20, 2009

Artist Research: Helen Nodding

Free People, a clothing line hosts a blog which explores and celebrates art culture. I check their blog quite frequently, and I went back through their postings to find Helen Nodding.

Helen Nodding, also known as Lady Bird, is based in London England. She creates miniature utopian worlds in urban settings. Nodding's work incorporates many natural elements. From her bug bridges to her moss graffiti, Nodding explores how nature can overcome the urban landscape.

In her series, "Nature Reserve," Nodding builds majestic residences for insects. This project was inspired by her childhood activities of building small gardens in tupperware housing collected ladybirds. She refers to these as "Insect architecture," which includes a house on stilts for ants and other humble dwellings for the small creatures. All of these are temporary pieces,
made completely by natural materials which last only a few days.

The work that I am most attracted to is "Secret Worlds." Nodding constructs minuscule villages in unnoticed spaces. I enjoy this concept because it's amazing to think how much we overlook our environment. Exploring seems to be a foreign concept, or a rarity for those who work. This not only applies to the working class, but even children are hard to engage in the fantastical aspects of the great outdoors. Nodding's work is a sound reminder to maintain imagination and wonder.

To see more of Helen Nodding's work. clicky.

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